Happy New Year

Hey friends! Happy 2019.

I am in bed right now and just started MITT on Netflix. (I’ve seen it before, just re-watching because why not). I was actually home sick today because of a stomach bug or something I got yesterday. I’m feeling better tonight and thought I would write a little. I also want to plug FLINT TOWN on Netflix. I was able to watch the docuseries over the past few days and it is really enlightening. It’s not about the Flint water crisis but about the city’s underfunded police department.

Okay now - 2019! Is it really here? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was in CHAR in Inman Park counting down to 2018. What a year it has been. As usual, there were highs and lows. I was fortunate to travel to Quebec City, Aruba, Asheville and Phoenix. I hosted a number of events. I grew in my position at work. Even through the stresses and lows, I feel very fortunate. I am always grateful to the Lord for all my blessings. Perhaps it’s because I work in news … but my blessings are not lost on me. I take none of them for granted.

For NYE - Gary and I went to a restaurant with a friend and her husband. It was like 65 degrees or something so I wore an itty-bitty dress that I got at a new boutique in Buckhead.


My parents stopped by on their way downtown.


And here’s a picture from King + Duke.

I haven’t made any real goals for 2019. Of course there’s the usual…I want to lose a little weight, I want to be better with my finances, I want to spend more time reading my Bible.

As I get older, I realize it’s more important to spend more quality time with loved ones, travel, be intentional, give, make memories with friends…

I will try to do all of the above. I will fall short but I hope that I can grow as a person and be a light in this very dim world.

Happy New Year!