Miss USA

Can I just say I am so excited for this year's Miss USA?! It's so obvious that the USA system is moving in a new direction - post Trump. I have to admit, I didn't have Miss DC winning it all...but I was happy to see her advancing with each round. Of course, not everyone shared my glee.

Look, I get it. It's a beauty pageant. I've been involved in things that are somewhat superficial my whole life, from dance teams to TV news. So I understand that not everyone is going to like what you look like, what you sound like, what you're wearing, etc... And it's all a part of the game. You don't get to participate in these types of things and then get upset when you're being judged, in my opinion. You almost need to expect it.

But a lot of the backlash against Miss DC, now Miss USA, was ridiculous. Some people said she threw her military experience around too much. That's so asinine. If I'm a commander in the army, I'm letting errrrrrrrbody know. That's an amazing, non-basic, accomplishment that some people just can't wrap their mind around.

brb dying at this dress

brb dying at this dress

Why are we so pro-military until someone actually benefits from it? I think it's the ultimate sign of bravery and sacrifice to serve in the military. I'll admit - I ain't cut out for it...so I can appreciate women who are! (Sidenote: Bingewatching Army Wives on Netflix is a good idea)

Others on twitter/facebook complained about the way she looked. "She won't do well at Miss USA." I have to wonder what people mean by that. So many thought Hawaii was a better choice. I didn't even have Hawaii in my top 10 (my mom did). But both girls were beautiful on stage.

I love watching pageants with my mom/sisters. I competed once in the Miss USA system in 2013. I made top 15 in Miss Alabama USA. After a three-way tie, I was booted from top 10 haha. But I'll never forget the feeling of having to walk on stage in a swimsuit (EW)...All this to say, it takes A LOT for these girls to not eat for a year, spend thousands of dresses/hair/appearance, and then put it all on stage to be judged. And to be somewhat active duty military on top of that, is pretty dang awesome...

Me in 2013

Me in 2013


My sister Dayna is graduating from college today! Exciting. I thought it would be nice to reflect on my own graduation, five years ago in 2011 (I took a year off after freshman year).

By the grace of God alone, I graduated. I was seriously on the struggle bus my entire senior year of college for various reasons, which won't be listed. I passed geology (or some class along those lines) with a D. Yep, somehow that was passing for me? I didn't question it. Goodbye UAB.

Riley always striking a pose

Riley always striking a pose

It was a fun ride, but like most college seniors, I was so completely over it. I was over school, over Birmingham, over my studio apartment, over everyone in Alabama...

I was headed to New Orleans like, the day after graduation to start my season cheering for the Saints - and I was ret-to-go.

But five years later, I'm reflecting on what I could have done differently following my walk across the stage. I guess this isn't stuff I would have done differently...but hindsight is always 20/20 so why not imagine a different path...

I think I would have cheered for more than one season. I say think because I truly don't know. If you know anything about the world of dance/cheer, you know it's a full time job without fulltime pay/benefits. There are both pros and cons. You sacrifice a lot. While I was thrilled to cheer for one season, toward the end of that season, I wanted to start a career. I go back and forth on this.

Saints cheerleaders in Florida - 2011

Saints cheerleaders in Florida - 2011

I'm a pretty impulsive person so I was at ESPN working as a production assistant (no questions asked) right at the end of the football season. I loved working for ESPN. There's no doubt it looks good on a resume. Everyone always wants to talk about it. But a part of me wonders if I should have skipped ESPN altogether. Maybe I should've started my on-screen TV career earlier, instead of move north to the wintery hell that is Bristol. Okay, it's not that bad. I made some good friends there who I'm still in touch with today. But I do question that decision sometimes.

From Bristol back to Alabama, this time - Montgomery. While taking my first on-air job at WAKA was one of my best decisions, of course I would have done things different contractually lol. And all the reporters say...

Then to Phoenix - let's just not go there.

And back to Atlanta. I love where I'm at now geographically. I haven't lived in Georgia full-time since I was 19. I love this state. Of course, I wish certain circumstances were different. But a lot of that is out of my control. (ps- Read Brianne Gurley's interview under the 'people' section for having purpose/confidence in God and God alone)

I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform at my best in life. So I'm always looking for what's best for me. In five more years, I want to know that what I'm doing now is beneficial. A lot can happen in 5 years...


It’s my birthday!  28 years young on this Tuesday. I’ve actually been dreading this day. Like many, I have a love/hate relationship with getting older. There’s no turning back lol. But today has been nice (so far). As you get older, the pressure to do something major, or celebrate big lessens. (Unless of course, you have a milestone birthday, turning 30 or 50 or something.) But 28, meh. I don’t even have the energy to do anything (besides eat.) You find yourself thankful for little things. With that said, I did splurge on a new bag. I figure the 28-year-old me deserves something nice. It’s crazy to think we are already five months in to 2016. I feel like just yesterday, it was New Year’s Eve! I guess that’s another sign I’m getting older, the time is flying. So…with a little more than 7 months left in the year, I have some plans - some big, some small. I hope I can get the ball rolling. Some plans require sacrifice and patience…things I quite frankly just don’t enjoy.