Bloomingdale's Event

This is way past due but I wanted to blog about an event I hosted a few months back. It was a women's empowerment event and I was asked to moderate a panel of brilliant, successful women.  

Crowd shot.

Crowd shot.

Bloomingdale's decorated our room so nicely! It was the cutest. Flowers all over! And the champagne was flowing.

Tangie and I

Tangie and I

Tangie Byrd was such a pleasure to work with. She is a true professional and a visionary. She made the event super fun.

The women on the panel

The women on the panel

So these five women. WOW. Huge inspiration to me. They are all trailblazers. Authors, Coaches, Influencers, all around GIRL BOSSES. I am still in touch with most of them today. 

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My dress is from Nordstrom on SALE. Shoes are Sam Edelman.